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Quick search registers books in the archives of Ukraine

Genealogy research

We offer Professional genealogy research  service in Ukraine. Our company has access to almost all archives available in the area and unique document lookup and retrieval capabilities.

To find out whether there is the possibility of studying of your particular case from our side please submit the form or send an email with initial information you have to We will check our records and database for availability of historical records and other corresponding documents and then provide you with this information -including the estimated research cost.


Several conditions have impact on estimated price of research process:
1.   Number of documents which should be studied
2.   Number of archives which should be visited
3.   Document analysis complexity (document age, its condition)
4.   Possible additional costs which depends on concrete archival institution

If you’re not sure in correctness or accuracy of your initial information, we can offer staged research with initial check whether at least one of your ancestors had lived in the specified area and in case of positive result we can arrange next steps which could be taken.


Dear visitors of our website!

In 2025, we are starting a new project of indexing the records of the archival funds of Ukraine, which will help many people find their ancestors. In just a few months, you will see the first information, which will be constantly updated. Unfortunately, the consequences of the war, which has been going on in our country for the fourth year, have affected us too. And therefore, we are forced to ask you for help. We will be grateful to you for any, even the smallest amount of donation.
You can help our project by transferring funds to the PayPal account:

Many thanks to everyone who responded to our request!

Кольцо генеалогических сайтов Рейтинг